Valeo Ab Wheel Review

Today I will be reviewing the Valeo Ab Wheel. I am actually thinking of putting together a home gym so look forward to more fitness equipment related reviews.

In case you didn’t know what an Ab wheel is, An ab wheel is an inexpensive piece of equipment that’s easy to use for effective core workouts. Here’s a video if you want to see it in action.

Now, on to the review:

I picked this specific model simply because of the good ratings it had and the inexpensive price. The wheel itself was relatively easy to assemble, there were only 2 handles to connect to the wheel itself.


The handles themselves are nonslip and quite sturdy, and the indented grooves for your fingers really aid in gripping the wheel properly. The wheel is a bit smaller than I thought it would be, but it performs the job well.

To be completely honest, I was blown away by the difficulty of this simple gadget. I’ve been using the wheel consistently for over two months now, which is more than what I can say about other fitness items. Overall, it is a great product and very simple to use.

-Very durable and compact. Even after extensive use there are minimal signs of use to the Ab wheel itself.
-Simple and functional, easy to use and easy to assemble and disassemble.

-Comfort: the hand grips take some time to get used to, and you’ve got to grip the handles properly if you don’t want blisters to form

-This isn’t exactly a “con”, but don’t use the wheel in one spot constantly: it’ll create a groove in carpets.


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